Monday, January 28, 2013


Researching Teeth in Dreams: Theories on Meaning-
  • loss of power or control
  • castration anxiety (Freud)
  • misfortune
  • wishing to be punished, masochism
  • warfare (Chinese)
  • death of an aspect of a person's psychology
  • "losing face" or loss of identity
  • fear of ugliness or becoming old and/or unattractive
What is apparent in MY tooth-related dreams?
  1. DREAM 97: dislocated jaw, too much pressure on teeth, tooth caving under pressure
  2. DREAM 120: all teeth become loose, they all fall out, try to push them back into sockets (biting/bearing down on them to do so), holding my teeth in my hands
  3. DREAM 205: feel that molars are too big, closing my mouth crushes them, they fall out onto my palm, bloody paper towels
  4. DREAM 210: back left molar falls out, lots of blood, then front teeth fall out, a nerve strand hangs from socket, it is pulled (very painful)
  5. UNKNOWN (not documented in journals) DREAM 1: teeth fall out, put back into sockets backwards (roots out)
  6. UNKNOWN DREAM 2: teeth crumble in mouth, spitting out little pieces
Notable Commonalities-
  • teeth being too big/ not fitting/ under pressure
  • teeth in my hands
  • blood/pain

A quick sketch that I have rattling around in my head for my first piece... a package design for "Sweet Dreams".

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